P Cubed (How to do a Presentation) - #wewillgiveDREEAMpresentations

In a previous blog post I've already sung the praises of Ross Fisher and the p cubed approach to presentations.

In this live recording at the latest DREEAM educators' meeting I talk a bit more about p cubed, how to present information in a way that's not just nice to look but has science behind it.

Here are the slides.  As ever just click to scroll through them.

Topics covered:

  • Why bullet points are bad (irony)
  • How to storyboard - spark points and lightning slides
  • The science of presentations - cognitive overload, the three second rule, the rule of thirds and dual coding
  • How to present data

Here is the Take Visually for this episode: 


I hope you enjoy this talk and feel inspired.  That's the purpose of this talk and as a team at DREEAM we have made a Twitter pledge #wewillgiveDREEAMpresentations.

For more information on learning theories (and why it's wrong to think about 'types' of learners) check out Learning Scientists.

Good luck telling people of the amazing things you've seen.

                 - Jamie