Arrhythmias Part Two: Bradyarrhythmias
Dr Bill Jamieson once again joined the pod to go through bradyarrhythmias in the second part of our arrhythmia series
In this episode:
Discussion on what is bradycardia and why it may not always be an issue
The history taking and investigations required of the bradycardic patient and possible causes of bradycardia
We go through AV block and Jamie reveals how AV block is like a dysfunctional marriage!
(ECGS courtesy of Life in the Fast Lane)
First Degree AV block - fixed prolonged PR interval
This is benign and often a normal variant
Second Degree AV block (Mobitz I/Wenckebach) - progessively prolonging PR interval until there is a dropped QRS complex and the cycle starts again
This is usually benign
Second Degree AV Block (Mobitz II) - fixed ratio of P wave to QRS complex such as 2:1 or 3:1
Asystole risk!
Complete or Third Degree Heart Block - no relationship between P waves and QRS complex
Asystole risk!
Bill mentioned bifasicular and trifasicular blocks and sick sinus syndrome. What are these?
Bifasicular block - RBBB plus LAD/RAD
Trifasicular block - Bifasicular plus First Degree Heart Block
For more on sick sinus syndrome check out Life in the Fast Lane
Here is the Take Visually for this episode:
Here is the Resus Council algorithm for bradyarrhythmias: